Jerry Mononela : Top 5 Angel Investors In South Africa


In our previous posts, we have talked about who is an Angel investor and where to find an Angel investor for your startup company. There we talked about the various platforms where you could meet such investors both online and offline. But in all fairness, being a person who is well versed in the South African financial and entrepreneurial sector, I have to list out Angel Investors that in South Africa that have propelled many, many small businesses to stardom. 
So in today’s Jerry Mononela’s financial blog, we will be covering the top Angel investors in my native country: South Africa

Where To Start?
First things first, I can’t be perfectly objective about the Angel investors I am going to list out as startup founders always see investors in a subjective light. My opinion will hold almost little to no ground in this decision so I have decided to provide a trusted portal to check out South African Angel investors and their portfolio. is a wonderful website that I use to update myself on the latest ventures of the top Angel investors in South Africa; just for my knowledge. They have the most information about the businesses they have either invested in or started themselves and it is enough to paint a satisfactory picture in a founder’s mind that is looking for an investment. 

But for this blog, I will be stating my opinion on how I perceive the Angel investors I am going to list down below. So I highly recommend checking out their complete portfolio on other sites to get a clearer, but more specifically a more objective picture so that you can try out for an investor that suits your business’s needs.

Ernst Hertzog
If your business has the potential to be extremely scalable and reach a nationwide audience, then Ernst Hertzog is the guy for you. He mostly invests in small businesses that can expand enormously but don’t have the capital to do so. He is the founder of Action Hero Ventures which has many formidable companies under its belt. I believe if you require immediate cash to scale your business, then Ernst Hertzog can definitely take you to your desired heights and then some. 

Brett Dawson
Brett Dawson is the tech guy who has made quite a name for himself through his angel investments. His Angel investment group has invested in one of the best wedding registries in South Africa called Wrapistry. He was the head of Dimension Data and when he left, he had quadrupled their net revenue from 2 billion USD to 8 billion USD and has now launched a company called Campan, an Angel investment company that will manage all of his previous angel investments. Given his background, Brett Dawson can help out startups involved in the tech business to a huge degree. His portfolio is impressive and his new Angel investment company Campan is speculated to be a wonderful platform for new businesses to turn into giants of the South African market.

Avi Eyal
Avi Eyal is a combination of a financial and technical entrepreneur. He specializes in mobile payments, financial services, and E-commerce in mobile. With over 15 years of experience in the market and 7 businesses that he has invested in Avi Eyal is a perfect match for your financial startup. As quoted by Avi himself, he is a ‘seasoned, self-made entrepreneur and an active shareholder.’ So if you want to have a hands on approach for your business from someone who has developed a lot of muscle during the game, Avi Eyal is the Angel investor for you.

Mohamed Nanabhay
A perfect Angel investor for a digital media company. Mohamed Nanabhay has invested and founded multitudes of companies, forget that, successful multitudes of companies in the digital and social media field. He is the deputy CEO of the Media Development Investment Fund and has founded the largest consumer internet site in Qatar. Mohamed Nanabhey is insightful, experienced, and has enormous knowledge about the media consumption market. Not only does he have such wonderful expertise, but he also knows how to use it its fullest potential for media companies in their early stages. If your startup deals with media of any kind, Mohamed Nanabhay can get you the reach you desire.

Alvin Singh
Alvin Singh works mainly in the mobile software market and consumerism on the internet. He has extensive knowledge of how to lead a company from the ground up to make them extremely successful. Alvin Singh has shown that his strategic decisions during the early stages of a startup and when it is launched into the market are capable of exploding the company to a national level. He invests in 1 to 2 businesses every year and provides them with a marketing platform to help them maximize their potential. With a varied and solid portfolio of companies behind him, Alvin Singh is surely a digital marketing genius that can get you and your companies foot out the door.

About Jerry Mononela
Jerry Mononela is a freelancer and a passionate financial blogger, I offer advice to complete beginners in the sector I love the most: Finance.
Check out more of me at my site Jerry Mononela and socials: Reddit and YouTube for more content!


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