JERRY MONONELA - Introduction to Stock Markets
Share Trading Basics
Owning shares is one of the greatest tools to wealth creation you
can find. Shares, apart from owning fixed property,
should form the cornerstone of any investment portfolio. You do
however need a firm understanding of the stock market
basics before dipping your toes (and your money) into the sea of
opportunity which is the stock market.
It is like having a business but not having to show up at work.
The interest of the average Joe has grown exponentially in the
last couple of years. This can be attributed to the flow
(mostly freely accessible ) of information on economic affairs and
stock specific
news. What was once a toy of the wealthy has now turned into the
vehicle of choice for wealth creation. Technological
advances has put the opportunity of trading the stock markets at
your fingertips wherever you might be.
What are shares?
A share is simply what it’s name suggests - you share in the
ownership of a company. It represents a claim on the
company’s assets and earnings. It is sometimes called stock,
equity or shares but they all mean the same thing.
Holding a company’s shares means that you are one of the many
owners (shareholders) of a company and have claim to
everything it owns. This claim is usually very small but you are
entitled to your portion and hold your voting rights.
Shares were held in certificate form but electronically held
shares have become the norm. All South African shares are
held by a CSDP (Central Securities Deposit Participant) in
electronic format.
This makes it far easier to trade the shares at the click of a
mouse button. Share certificates had to be taken to the broker and then to the
transfer secretaries which made it and arduous task.
Being a shareholder does not give you title to the day-to-day
running of the business. Your extent to which you have a say
in the company is limited to one vote per share at annual meetings
where you vote for the board of directors. Being a
shareholder of South African Breweries does not entitle you to
walking into their plant in Rosslyn and helping yourself to
a couple of beers or calling the Chief Executive Officer to share
your ideas on how they should run the company.
Large institutional shareholders have the biggest say in the
appointment of management and they have to increase the value of the company
for shareholders.
Profits are shared in the form of dividends. Your claim on the
assets is only relevant should the company go bankrupt.
An important feature of owning shares is your limited liability
should the company not be able to pay it’s debt. No matter
what happens, the maximum value you can lose is the value of your
investment in that company. Your personal assets are never under threat should
the company go bankrupt.
Company Funding- Debt vs. Equity.
Companies raise capital by debt financing (loan from the bank or
issuing a bond) or equity financing ( selling part by issuing shares.
Issuing stock is advantageous as the company does not have to pay
back the money or make interest payments along the way. The first issue of
stock by a private company is called the initial public offering (IPO).
When you buy a debt investment such as a bond , you are guaranteed
a return of your capital along with interest payments. By buying an equity
investment you you assume the risk of the company not being successful. If the
company goes bang you only get paid after the banks and the bond holders have
been paid. Shareholders earn a lot if the company is successful but stand to
lose their entire investment should the company fail.
There are no guarantees when it comes to individual stocks. Some
companies pay dividends , but others may not. There is no obligation to pay
dividends. You make money by the appreciation of the stock price.
Although risk might sound negative , there is a bright side.
Taking on risk demands higher returns. That is why shares outperform bonds or
bank savings.
Types of shares.
There are two types of shares: common stock and preferred stock.
Common stock
When people talk about shares they usually refer to this type.
Common shares represent ownership in a company and a claim (dividends) on a
portion of the profits. Investors get one vote per share to elect board members
who oversee the major decisions made by management. Common shares hold the
biggest risk as the holders of this asset class will not
receive money until the creditors, bondholders and preferred shareholders
are paid.
Preferred stock
Investors in preferred shares are normally guaranteed a fixed
dividend but without the same voting rights of common shares. These shares are
also callable and this means the company can buy back these shares at any time
and for any
reason (mostly at a premium).
Different classes of stock
Companies can customize different classes of shares in any way
they wish so as to give the voting power to a different group. One group may
have 10 votes per share while another class will have one vote per share.
Normally Class A or Class B stock etc.
How are shares traded?
Shares are traded on exchanges. Some exchanges are physical trading
floors where traders seem to be running around
waving and speaking sign language in addition to loud screaming.
This looks crazy but is actually quite orderly. The other type of exchange is
virtual, composed of a network of computers where trades are executed
electronically. This form of
trading is far more transparent than floor trading. The JSE closed
it’s open outcry floor in 1997 and everything is now traded through a network
of computers linking the exchange to the JSE’s virtual trading pits.
Exchanges facilitate the exchange of securities between buyers and
sellers, reducing the risks of investment. There is a
primary market where shares are created (by means of an Initial
Public Offering) while in the secondary market , investors trade previously-issued
securities without the involvement of the issuing-companies.
The Johannesburg Stock Exchange.
About the Main Board
In 1886, the discovery of gold on the Witwatersrand led to a boom
in mining and financial companies and a stock exchange was soon needed. And so
began the Johannesburg Stock Exchange’s Main Board.
The JSE holds a treasured position
as one of the top 20 exchanges in the world in terms of market capitalisation.
The majority of this market capitalisation is based on the companies listed on
the Main Board and the JSE’s top 40 stocks are also listed here.
These stocks are highly regarded by both local and international
The Main Board houses the same sectors grouped according to the
London Stock Exchanges XXXX. Dual listings are actively encouraged and are
possible on all boards of the JSE.
A list of all Main Board companies can be found here.
Listing benefits Access to capital for growth: listing gives you
the opportunity to raise capital to fund acquisitions as well as growth.
Boost your profile: listing generally heightens your company’s
public profile with customers, suppliers, the media and investors. As a result
more business opportunities become available to you.
Create value and liquidity for shareholders: because your company’s
value is independently assessed, shareholders can realise their investment,
liquidity is stimulated and your shareholder base may be broadened.
A listing allows you to facilitate broad-based black economic
empowerment (BEE) deals, a prerequisite to effective corporate citizenship in
South Africa.
You may offer share incentives to employees to encourage
commitment and improve the quality of recruits.
Why the JSE?
The JSE is well positioned to help you leverage your listing to
its maximum. In addition to the benefits above, listing on the JSE allows you
Enjoy local analyst coverage as well as high media interest.
Attract international investors who are easily able to trade in
JSE-listed shares without any restrictions.
Trade your shares securely and efficiently on JSE TradElect™, the
London Stock Exchange’s trading system.
Be eligible for inclusion in the FTSE/JSE Africa Index Series,
thus creating additional exposure for your company both locally and
Marketing your business to investors with the assistance of the
JSE Business Development team.
Dual listings
Dual listings brochure
company on the JSE gives you the opportunity
Tap into local knowledge, skills and interest.
Use your listing as a springboard into the rest of Africa.
Access deep pools of capital relative to other African markets.
Use your shares as local currency for transactions.
Increase and diversify your company’s pool of liquidity
Facilitate compliance with South African government charters on
broad-based black economic empowerment.
Is listing for you?
The decision to list your company needs to be made once you have
realistically assessed your company, its management, resources, stage of
development, long-term strategy, goals and future prospects. You would also
need to consider the timing of a listing in terms of market conditions and
where your business is at that point in time.
There are many specific requirements that you need to meet which
are in the JSE Listing Requirements. These can be accessed on their website. We
have three markets on which you could list: the Main Board, the Africa Board
and the
Alternative Exchange (AltX). The decision to list on either market
depends on factors like the size of your company, your funding requirements and
what you would like to achieve with your listing. Listing may be just what you
need to take your business to the next level. A typical main board listing
requires 300 different shareholders with a spread of at least 20% and a 3 year
proven profit before tax of R 8 million Rand.
What makes Share prices change?
Share prices change everyday compliments of market forces of
supply and demand. Participants have different perceptions of a company’s
potential earnings and are therefor prepared to pay different prices for a
share. If more people want to buy a share(demand) than sell it (supply), then
the price moves up. Understanding supply and demand is easy. What makes trading
stock difficult is understanding what makes people like a certain share and
dislike another.
Every investor has his own ideas and strategies. Some are just
outright punters.
The price of a share is determined by what investors perceive it
to be worth. The value of a company is it’s market capitalization which is
simply calculated by share price multiplied by the amount of stock in free
float. Matters are complicated by the price of a share which reflects the
growth that investors expect in the future.
The most important factor in valuating a company is it’s earnings.
Earnings are the profit a company makes. Without profit it can’t survive.
Companies are required to report their earnings and the market watches these
reports to determine future value. If the earnings surprise share prices jump
and conversly when they dissapoint the stock prices fall.
Sentiment is a very important driver of price as was evident in
the dotcom bubble. Tech companies saw their valuations shoot through the roof
despite them not making a cent yet. These valuations did not hold and their
values shrunk to a
fraction of the highest prices they achieved. There are numerous
variables that influence price and investors are developing more and more to
determine valuations. You might have heard of like price/ earnings ratio, while
others have obscure names like Chaikin oscillator or moving average convergence
divergence. So why do prices change? Nobody really knows but we know for
certain that they are volatile and that creates opportunity. At the most fundamental
level , supply and demand in the market determines share price.
- price times numberof shares in free float is the value of the
company. Comparing just the price is meaningless.
- earnings affects investor’s valuation but other indicators are
also used to predict the price.
- there are many theories that explain share price movement. There
is however no one theory that can explain
Buying Shares
How do you buy and sell shares. You luckily don’t have to go into
a trading pit and yell your order. There are two main
ways to purchase shares.
Using a broker
There are two types of brokers : full-service who supposedly offer
expert advise and charge higher fees and discount brokers who execute without
any add-ons.
With the advent of the internet trading platform most brokerage
houses have changed to the latter. Anyone can now afford to invest in the
Dividend reinvestment plans allow investors to purchase stock
directly from the company by reinvesting their dividends.
How to read a share quote
Any financial newspaper should have the following tables giving
you share price info:
This clip was taken from US newspaper so quoted in Dollar but SA
shares are quoted in SA cents per share.
Columns 1 & 2: 52-Week High and Low - These are the highest
and lowest prices at which a stock has traded over the previous 52 weeks (one
year). This typically does not include the previous day's trading.
Column 3: Company Name & Type of Stock - This column lists the
name of the company. If there are no special symbols or letters following the
name, it is common shares. Different symbols imply different classes of shares.
For example, "pf" means the shares are prefs.
Column 4: Ticker Symbol - This is the unique alphabetic name which
identifies the stock. If you watch financial TV, you have seen the ticker tape
move across the screen at the bottom, quoting the latest prices alongside this
symbol. If you are looking for stock quotes online, you always search for a company
by the ticker symbol. If you don't know what a particular company's ticker is you
can search for it at
Column 5: Dividend Per Share - This indicates the annual dividend
payment per share. If this space is blank, the company does not currently pay
out dividends.
Column 6: Dividend Yield - The percentage return on the dividend.
Calculated as annual dividends per share divided by price per share.
Column 7: Price/Earnings Ratio - This is calculated by dividing
the current stock price by earnings per share from the last four quarters. For
more detail on how to interpret this, see the P/E Ratio explanation in later
Column 8: Trading Volume - This figure shows the total number of
shares traded for the day, listed in thousands. To get the actual number
traded, add "000" to the end of the number listed.
Column 9 & 10: Day High and Low - This indicates the price
range at which the stock has traded at throughout the day.
In other words, these are the maximum and the minimum prices that
people have paid for the stock.
Column 11: Close - The close is the last trading price recorded
when the market closed on the day. If the closing price is up or down more than
5% than the previous day's close, the entire listing for that stock is
bold-faced. Keep in mind, you are not guaranteed to get this price if you buy
the stock the next day because the price is constantly changing (even after
the exchange is closed for the day). The close is merely an
indicator of past performance and except in extreme circumstances serves as a
ballpark of what you should expect to pay.
Column 12: Net Change - This is the cents value change in the
stock price from the previous day's closing price. When you hear about a stock
being "up for the day," it means the net change was positive.
You can also get stock quotes (delayed) from websites like or
A bid is the price someone is prepared to pay and the offer(ask)
price the price at which someone is prepared to sell.
When these two meet they transact and a deal is created.
Bulls and bears.
A bull market is when everything in the economy is great, people
are finding jobs, gross domestic product (GDP) is growing and share prices are
in a rising trend. Picking shares to buy in a bull trend is relatively easy as
most go higher.
These strong bulls mostly lead to overvalued stocks which is
dangerous to the investor. Greed invariably feeds the bulls to just keep on
paying any price. If a person is always optimistic about share prices risign
they are called bullish or a bull.
A bear market is the opposite of a bull market. Times when the
economy is bad and recession looming are refered to as bear markets. A person
with a pessimistic point of view or belief that stock prices will come down
rapidly is refered to as bearish or a bear.
Chickens are what the name implies: a person who is so risk averse
that they don’t commit any money to the market and rather invest in
money-market instruments.
Pigs are highrisk takers and by on hot tips etc. fueled by their
greed. Proffesional traders love pigs as it is often from their losses that
bulls and bears reap their rewards (profits).
There are numerous styles of trading or personalities affording
everyone opportunity to make money. Bulls and bears are in constant battle with
pigs adding to volatility. The trick is NOT to invest in any instrument you do
not fully understand.
If you don’t do your homework you will get hurt and lose money!!
- Having shares in a company give you claim on the assets and
earnings as well as voting rights.
- Share are equity , bonds are debt. Bondholders are guarenteed a
return whereas shareholders take on risk of the company not being succesful
therefor requiring a higher return on their capital.
- You can lose all your money in shares. You can also make lots if
you pick the right share.
- There are two types : common and preference shares and companies
may create different share classes.
- stock markets are the places where buyers and sellers meet to
exchange shares.
- The JSE is the major stock exchange in Africa
- Share price fluctuate due to the forces of supply and demand.
Most important factor influencing price is earnings
- There is no hard and fast way to determine or explain price
- To buy shares use a broker or DRIPs
- Stock quotes and tables are easy to read - don’t be afraid of
all the detail
- Bulls make money, bears make money but greedy pigs get
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